ILO joins forces with MITI Malaysia to enhance awareness of good labour practices

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is reaching out to enterprises in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia to expand their awareness of good labour practices from the perspective of national and international standards. A workshop titled “Introduction to the Responsible Business Conduct through the Framework of the ILO MNE Declaration and the i-ESG Framework” took place on 3 December 2024 in Kuala Lumpur.nThe training, co-organised by the ILO Building Responsible Value Chain in Asia through the Promotion of Decent Work in Business Operations Project (RVC-II) and the Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry of Malaysia (MITI), aims to enhance awareness of enterprises in the manufacturing sector of the importance of Responsible Business Conduct including through Human Rights Due Diligence. It also looked at how the MNE Declaration complements the i-ESG Framework, which is an initiative of the Ministry.

During the event, participants from manufacturing enterprises had the opportunity to share their good labour practices and experiences handling labour rights issues as well as challenges completing the ESG reports to the relevant authorities. “There is a need for elevating awareness of Responsible Business Conduct and its benefits to enterprises as there is a growing expectation for them to uphold and respect human and labour rights within their operations and supply chains,” said Zharif, the National Project Coordinator of the ILO RVC-II Project in Malaysia.

The i-ESG Framework was also presented by MITI to provide information on the new initiative which aims to help manufacturing enterprises comply with ESG reporting requirements. Participants learned about both international trends and national initiatives on responsible business conduct and ESG. Similar workshops are planned for government officials, trade union members and employers’ representatives.

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